Membership Application - Texas Hotel & Lodging Association Organization Information (to be displayed online) Property/Company Name * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Address 1 * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Address 2 Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information City * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information State * AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY AB BC MB NB NL NS NT NU ON PE QC SK YT AG BN BS CH CL CM CP DF DU GR GT JA MC MR MX NA OA PU QE QR SI SL SO TB TL TM VE YU ZA Outside US Outside Canada Outside Mexico Zip * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Phone Number * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Property/Company Email address (for public use) * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Website Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Main Contact First Name * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Last Name * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Title Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Phone * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Email (for THLA use only) * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Mailing Address (if different) Street Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information City Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information State AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY AB BC MB NB NL NS NT NU ON PE QC SK YT AG BN BS CH CL CM CP DF DU GR GT JA MC MR MX NA OA PU QE QR SI SL SO TB TL TM VE YU ZA Outside US Outside Canada Outside Mexico Zip Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Membership Investment Membership Type: * Select one.. Individual Property Lodging Membership Affiliate Membership Allied Membership Number of Rooms/Rentable Units: Annual Budget: ,000.00 Annual Membership Investment Total: $ Number of Seats (Restaurants): Additional Categories Cost $ One-Time Application Fee $ Tax $ Number of Associates (Realtors, Attorneys): Online Buyer's Guide Category * None 24 Hour Water Extraction 2-Way Radio Equipment 401 (K) Record Keeping 911 Emergency Phones for Pools Accounting & Auditing Services Accounting Software Adhesive Rollers & Velcro Advance Funding Advertising/Marketing Affiliate Air Conditioning/Heating Air Freshners Air/Room Sanitizing Airport Transfers Allergy & Anti-Bacteria Solutions Allied Amenity Dispensers and Products Apparel Appliances Application Service Provider Appraisal Service Aprons Aquatic Safety Architecture Asbestos Consulting Asset Management Association ATM Equipment & Financing Attraction Discounts Audio Visual Equipment Automated E-Baskets Automatic Dispensing Systems Automatic External Defibrillators Automobile Insurance B and B Background Investigations Banners & Digital Printing Banquet Equipment Banquet Staff Banquet, Buffet, and Room Service Tables Banquetware Bar Mops Bath & Shower Remodeling - One Day Bath Accessories Bath Fixture Refinishing Bathroom Accessories & Services Bathroom Renovation Bathtub Restoration Bed & Breakfast Reservations Bed Bug Eradication Bedding Equipment/Frames Bedspreads Bell Staff Beverage Equipment Beverages Binders & Binding Machine Supplies Bio Hazard Cleanup Blankets Bottled Spring Water Branding Brightwork Restoration Brokers-Hotel/Motel Bus Transportation Business Consulting Business Interruption Losses Cable Television Cabling Call Accounting Systems Cancelled Member Candidate Tracking Services Cappuccino Carpet Carpet Cleaning Carpet Padding Casegoods Catering Supplies CCTV Ceiling Fans Cellular Products & Services Central Reservation Systems Ceramic Tile Certification Channel Management Charter Service Check Guarantee Service Chemical Cleaning Supplies Chemical Peels Clandestine Lab Remediation Class Action Recovery Cleaning Concepts (On-site Training) Cleaning Equipment/Supplies Cleaning Supplies Club/Time Share Management System Cocoa Coffee Coin Operated Vending Machines Color & Design Commercial Insurance Commercial Land Development Commercial Loans Commercial Pour-Over Coffee Equipment Commercial Washers/Dryers/Ironers Communication Services Computer Rental Service Computer Systems/Software Concrete Resurfacing Condo Rentals Construction Management Construction/Remodeling Consultants Contract Purchasing Contractor Recommendations Convention Shuttles Conventional Financing Cooking Equipment CORPORATE MEMBER Corporate Performance Management Cost Recovery/Expense Reduction Counter Tops/Flooring/Tubs Countertop Refinishing Coupon Books CPR/First Aid Training Credit Card Companies Credit Card POS Sales & Service Crime & Trauma Clean-Up Crisis Management Consulting Custom Amenities Custom Label Cyber/Privacy Liability Data Warehousing/Integration Debit Card Processing Debt Restructure Deck Resurfacing & Renovation Decorative Concrete Overlays Deodorization Systems Development Digital Thermostats Dinnerware Direct Deposit Direct Injection Ozone System Direct Mail Direct TV Dish Network Retailer Domain Name Services Door Service Doors & Frames Drapery Fabrics Drapery Hardware Drug/Meth Cleanup Drum Units Dryer Lint Recovery Systems Dryers - Finishing Equipment DSL & T-1's Dust Control E-Business Technology E-Commerce Editing Video Education/Training Electricity Electronic Credit Card/Check Processing Equipment Electronic Information Station Electronic Locks Electronic Marketing Electronic Paystubs Elevators Email Solutions Employee Benefits Employee Gift Cards Employee Retention/Motivation Employee Turnover Reduction Employment Employment - Candidate Selection System Employment - Customized Training Employment Practices Liability Insurance Energy Energy & Water Efficiency Energy Audtis and Payback Analysis Energy Efficiency Product Energy Management Energy Services Entertainment Equipment & Sales Equipment Financing - Short Term Equipment Service Equisafe Surfacing Estimates Event Transportation Services Executive Recruiter Exit Service Information Expert Witness Extended Stay Francise Fabric Refresher Facade Facilities Management Products Feasibilities FF&E Fiber Service Fiberglass Shower Pans Film-Shipping Room & Accessories Financial Services Fire Alarm Systems/Inspections Fire Services Fire/Water/Wind/Smoke Damage Restoration First Aid Supplies Fitness Equipment Fixtures Flatware Floor Resurfacing Floor Tile Foam Moldings Folding Equipment Food Distributors/Equipment Food Safety/Food Handler Training Franchise Evaluations Franchise/Development Full Suite of Equipment Funding Acquisition Furniture Furniture Cleaning Furniture Refinishing Furniture Touch-up Garments General Contractor General Liability Gift Cards Gift Shop Items Glass Tile Glassware Golf Brochures Golf Magazines Golf Reservations Google Ranking Granite Tops Graphic Design Green Solutions Group Health Insurance Guest Amenities Guest Ranches Guest Room Supplies Guest Room Telephones Guestroom Energy Control Systems Habitational Insurance Programs Hand Cleaners & Sanitizers Handicap Shower Easy Access Hardware Hazardous Material Cleanup HD Set Back Boxes HD TVs Head End Systems Headhunter Health Insurance Healthcare Products Heating & Cooling High Def Pro-Idiom Video Propulsion Systems Highway Logo Signs Hollowware Hospitality Information Website Hospitality Job Board Hospitality Newsletter Hotel / Commercial Real Estate Hotel Booking Engine Website & Mobile Hotel Call Center Service Hotel Discounts Hotel Electronics Hotel Franchising Hotel Lighting/Indoor/Outdoor/Decorative Hotel Mortgages Hotel/Motel Development/Mgmt. Housekeeping Personnel Housekeeping Software Human Resource Service HVAC Hydrafacials Ice Equip/In-Room Refrigerators Ice Sculpture Molds Individual Health Insurance Information Services In-House Advertising Ink & Toner Cartridges Innsitter In-Room Amenity In-room Coffee Service In-Room Commercial Coffee Brewers In-Room Entertainment In-Room Guest Directories In-Room Refreshment Centers In-Room Refrigerators In-Room Safes Insurance Insurance Policy Review Intelligent Room Capability Interior Design International Contractor Referral Service Internet Access Internet Services Internet/Website Design/Host Investment Ironers Irrigation audits Janitorial Services Job Fairs Job Tracking Services Keycards KidSafe Playground Surfacing Kitchen Cleaning Lamp Shades Replacement Lamps Laser Hair Removal Laundry Carts/Hampers Laundry Equipment Laundry Services Laundry/Warewashing Chemical Supplies Layout & Design Leather Repair LED Retro-Fit Recessed Downlights Legal Advice Life Insurance Lighting and Lighting Control Lighting Fixtures Lighting Fixtures-Decorative Limousine Services Linen/Textiles Litigation Support Loans Lodging Market Data Long Distance Service Loss Control Programs Loss Mitigation Maintenance Kits Maintenance Management Software Management Services Management Systems Manufacturing Maps Market Valuation Mattresses Medical Emergency (First Responder) Medical Insurance Meeting Coordination Service Meeting Room Solutions Menus Merchant Services Mini-Bar Mitel Dealer Mobile Apps Mold Remediation Mosaics Multimedia Shows Negotiating Expertise Network Integration Newspaper Non-Destructive Moisture Surveys Nonsubscription to Workers' Comp Occupational Injury Insurance Programs Odor Elimination Office Supplies One Day Bath & Shower Online Application Process Online Reputation Management Online Reservations Online Services Operations Consulting Operator Services Opinion of Value OSHA Compliance Training Pagers - Text/Numeric Paint Paper Products Parking Facility Management Parts & Service Patio Deck Surfacing Paycards Payment Processing Payphones Payroll Administration-Value Card Payroll Processing PBX Sales & Service PC Bank Safes Personnel Services Pest Control Phone Systems Photography Platting & Site Planning Playground Surfacing Plumbing Repair Parts PM System PMS & RMS Integration Point of Sale Systems Pool & Spa Safety Equipment Pool & Spa Suction Entrapment Safety Device Pool Deck Surfacing Pool Lifts Pool Renovation Pool Signage Pool Supplies/Equipment Porcelain Tile Portable Partitions Portable Stages/Dance Floors Power Marketing Pre-Disaster Consulting Premium Movie Channel Prepaid Services Printer Ribbons Printing Private Club Permitting, Operation & Audits Project Installation Monitoring Project Management Projectors Promotional Cards Promotional Products Property Management Service Property Management Systems Property Tax Consultant Property/Liability Insurance Protective Services Public Relations & Promotions Publications Purchase & Sale Permit-holding Entities Purchasing Systems/Centralized Purchasing Quality & Integrity Shopping Quartz Rate Shopping Recruitment Refinancing/Financing Refinishing/textiles Refrigeration Equipment Renovation/Repositioning of Hotel/Motel Repair and Maintenance Reservation Service Reservation Software Reservations Systems Resources Restaurant Design Restaurant Equipment Restaurant Linens Restoration Resume Database Retirement Planning Revenue Sharing Program Reviews - Fix Bad Reviews Risk Management Services Risk Mitigation Robes Rollaway Beds & Wallbeds Roof/Wall Analysis Roof/Wall Specifications Roofing Rubberized Surfacing Safe Connection Safety Supplies Satellite SBA Loans Section 125 Administration Security Sedan Services Sheets Shower Caps, Bath Salts Shower Panels Shrinkage Protection Shuttle Service Sign Installation Sign Manufacturing Sign Repair & Service Signs Site Inspections Skin Resurfacing Skin Tightening Slip Resistant Surface Snacks & Coffee Vending Equipment Soap & Shampoo Social Media Management Sound Systems Spa Renovation Stage Rigging Stains Stairs & Ornamental Iron Stairway Lifts Steam Vapor Systems Stone Maintenance & Restoration Stone Slabs Stone Tile Strategic Planning Structure Damage Estimates Stucco Suicide Cleanup Sunbeam Products Surveillance (Digital Video) Survey Data Swimming Pool Seats/Furniture TABC and TTB Permitting TABC Compliance Counseling TABC Enforcement Actions Table/Floor Lamps Tabletop Supplies Tax Consultants Tea Technical Support Telecommunications Services/Equipment Telephone Systems Televisions/VCRs Temp.Constr. Temporary Staff Termite Elimination Texas Highways Magazine Textile Sales Textile Services Industry Thermostats THLA 36-50 Rms. THLA Mgmt Company THLA Other Members THLA Under 36 Rms. THLA/AHLA Mem. Toiletries Tourist Oriented Directional Signs Tours - City and State Towels Trade Association Tradeshows Training Workshops/Seminars Transportation Travel Website Traveler Discount Guide Tub-Surround Turbolava Floor Scrubbers TV Mounts Umbrella Insurance Uniforms Unique Rewards Program Upholstery Utility Bill Saving/Consulting Vacuum Cleaners (Wet/Dry) Valet Parking Vanity Vending Equipment - Food & Drink Ventilation Video & Alarm Maintenance Video Production Virtual Tours Visitor Guide Publications Visitor Information Brochure Display Voice Mail Systems Waitstaff Walkway Surfacing Washer Extractors Water conservation Water Dispensing System (filtered) Water Treatment Waterproofing Webcasting Service Website Design/Development Weight Scales Wheelchair Lifts Windows Wireless Internet Wireless Services Wiring (low voltage) Workers' Comp Alternative Workers Compensation Insurance Workshops Yield Management Additional Online Buyer's Guide Categories Primary Directory listing is complimentary Up to two additional Directory listings are complimentary After two, additional Directory listings are $35 each **Hold CTRL on your keyboard to select multiple categories** none Number of Full Time Employees: Number of Part Time Employees: Actual Number of Rentable Units: American Hotel and Lodging Association (AH&LA) Membership ($115): Payment Type * Credit Card Check NOTE: If selecting to pay by Check, please do not fill out the Credit Card Information section at the bottom of the form. Thanks. The contents of this box are for testing purposes. This box will be removed when the form goes live. Full-Time Employees Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Part-Time Employees Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Hotel/Motel Rooms Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Restaurant Seats Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Additional Associates Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Additional Associates Cost Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Additional Locations Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Additional Locations Cost Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Assets Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Assets Cost Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information AdditionalCategories Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Additional Categories Cost Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information NumberOfAdditionalCategories Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information additionalItem1Cost Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Annual Dues (charged to card) Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Revenue Item Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Tax (charged to card) Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Fee (charged to card) Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information tempValueForDropDown1 Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information MembershipType Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Please Select Your Property Type Full Service Hotel Resort Limited Service Extended Stay Bed & Breakfast Guest Ranch Cabin Condo/Vacation Home Briefly describe the products or services that your company sells to hotels: Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Will you offer discounts to THLA members? (yes or no) If yes, briefly describe the discount you will offer to THLA members: Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Credit Card Information Credit Card Type * MastercardVisaAmex Credit Card Number * Required Please enter a valid number Please enter a valid date Please enter valid credit card information Name On Card Required Security Code Required Valid Through 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 Credit Card Address 1 Required Credit Card City Required Credit Card State AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY AB BC MB NB NL NS NT NU ON PE QC SK YT AG BN BS CH CL CM CP DF DU GR GT JA MC MR MX NA OA PU QE QR SI SL SO TB TL TM VE YU ZA Outside US Outside Canada Outside Mexico Credit Card Zip Required Credit Card Phone Number Required Credit Card Email Address Please click submit only one time. 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